
Project 365

Sounds intriguing! Sounds Fun! Let's see if I can carry through....

I am a scrapbooker. Yeah, one of those lunatics who actually carries their camera with them everywhere they go, setting up their children for the perfect shot, or dressing them in the morning so they coordinate just in case a situation presents itself for the cutest picture.

Project 365 is an idea born in the mind of Becky Higgins. You take one picture a day to memorialize daily life. Then you write a little bit about that picture and viola - one year later you have an album of daily life.

So, I guess this is a good spot to start the process. I will upload my pix and a little story that goes with each. Maybe someone out there will have an idea for other 'daily' pictures to take. I'm sure I will run out of ideas by the end of February!

1 comment:

Lesha said...

I like that idea. I am a binge picture taker. I get my camera out every other weekend or so, take TONS of pictures and then it sits for another few weeks. I may just try this Project 365!