
Project 365 - Day 3

As well as tackling 365 pictures, taken daily, I have signed up for two - yes, two - internet scrapbooking classes. But both of them deal with all the stuff I have accumulated over the years. With all this product, I think I could open my own Scrapbook Store.

But seriously, I love to scrapbook and preserve our life when I can find things, and when they are organized. Hence, me taking the class "Get Organized, Be Inspired".

So, here is part of my room as it. Some attempts at organizing are working, others are not. Hopefully, in 9 weeks, I will be back to making really cool pages.


Project 365 - Day 2

A trip to Boyd's Bear Country. Just 45 minutes away in Gettysburg, there is a huge, 3-story barn that has been converted into the main store for Boyd's Bears. We don't go very often - mainly because our wallet can't afford it. The girls always find a new friend that just has to go home with us (and sometimes Mom does, too). On this trip, we had a lot of fun trying to find the PERFECT bear for Ruthie. Her godparent's gave her money specifically for this trip. And eventually, she found the one who needed a home. We brought home 'Bubba' (Ruth), a rabbit for Petra, and, finally, a Siamese cat for Mom.

We finished the day with a jaunt to the outlets for some much needed winter clothes, and dinner at TGIFridays. Perfect!


Project 365 - Day 1

The stroke of midnight - a new year arrives (and yes, I did get another shot at 12:00!). I can count on one hand the number of times I have celebrated New Year's Eve somewhere other than my couch, in front of the TV watching Dick Clark in Times Square. Being at home with family and friends gives me hope that we will still be together for another year. And this year, I had the added benefit of celebrating with Petra - this was the first year she stayed up until the ball fell. Ruthie, on the other hand, fought the brave battle, but was asleep on my shoulder by 11:00 p.m.

Church, mushroom soup, and the Ball in Times Square. Another year has arrived.

Project 365

Sounds intriguing! Sounds Fun! Let's see if I can carry through....

I am a scrapbooker. Yeah, one of those lunatics who actually carries their camera with them everywhere they go, setting up their children for the perfect shot, or dressing them in the morning so they coordinate just in case a situation presents itself for the cutest picture.

Project 365 is an idea born in the mind of Becky Higgins. You take one picture a day to memorialize daily life. Then you write a little bit about that picture and viola - one year later you have an album of daily life.

So, I guess this is a good spot to start the process. I will upload my pix and a little story that goes with each. Maybe someone out there will have an idea for other 'daily' pictures to take. I'm sure I will run out of ideas by the end of February!


Back to the Daily Grind

Waking early, making lunches, going to the bus stop, back home to clean up from breakfast, trip to the gym, back home to clean, again to the bus stop, figure out dinner, get homework done, eat dinner, school reading time, then bed ...

Life goes on, and everyone is happy. I succeeded over the holidays and did not gain an ounce! But, I still need to lose - a lot, at least in my mind. The candy from Christmas is still haunting me - and I can't bring myself to throw it away. My only saving grace right now that that darned treadmill at the gym. I am forcing myself to get there, because, Lord knows, staying home in the nice warm house is much more inviting than tromping out in the cold.

But life goes on, and thankfully we are in the thick of it.