
Project 365 - Day 2

A trip to Boyd's Bear Country. Just 45 minutes away in Gettysburg, there is a huge, 3-story barn that has been converted into the main store for Boyd's Bears. We don't go very often - mainly because our wallet can't afford it. The girls always find a new friend that just has to go home with us (and sometimes Mom does, too). On this trip, we had a lot of fun trying to find the PERFECT bear for Ruthie. Her godparent's gave her money specifically for this trip. And eventually, she found the one who needed a home. We brought home 'Bubba' (Ruth), a rabbit for Petra, and, finally, a Siamese cat for Mom.

We finished the day with a jaunt to the outlets for some much needed winter clothes, and dinner at TGIFridays. Perfect!

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